Thursday, August 18, 2011

In Need of a Power-Up

This is me. Yep, exhausted to the point where I just want to stop where I am, lay down, and sleep, for a long, long time.

There are many contributing factors to my tiredness. I feel overworked and overwhelmed with many duties that I have and the stress that is coming with them is probably making me even more so exhausted. Taking care of my two little boys, definitely exhausting. Cleaning house, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, etc. All the usual housewife and motherly things are really quite tiresome. And lastly, my stupid period is on the horizon, looming over me for the next day or two sucking my any last source of energy I have until I am as lifeless as corpse.

I hate feeling this way. I hate not having enough energy. I think doing work in front of this computer screen really zaps me too.  I have got to get a little plug in. You know, like an ipod or ipad or something. Just hook me up for a few hours and I'll have power bar at full tilt boogie. (sigh)

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